Keeping You Connected!

Community Notice

A network that has economically and socially disadvantaged people at its heart, including inmates and felons.

Our company is founded and entirely operated by felons, our family members. people with disabilities, and inmates, who all believe economic justice starts with investing in self and community. We teach the every life has value, meaning, and purpose. With that we teach, productive work is a means of fulfilling that purpose. Step by step our educational program focuses on these four core subjects: Mental Fitness, Health Care, Culture of Rehabilitation, and Entrepreneurship. We partner with NYROBEONKA LLC, a technology developer, that makes solutions possible. So we have a strategy! 
Our Strategy is straightforward, but not easy. We want to establish  markets in America, Canada, Mexico, South America West indies, and the Caribbean. This is our export and import plan for our entrepreneurship program. Investing in the wealth and health of the people. People are our best resource.


Donzell Rosenberg

"To find out more about our company please reach out to Nicole Nyro our Communications Manager."


Our Values

Voluptate magna nulla amet cillum ut sint deserunt laboris deserunt fugiat nostrud ullamco ad.


  • Follow The Money Train Mathew 7:12 What you want done to you, do on to them.
  • Motion And Movement New team, new sound, more action.
  • Jail and Prison Contracts Reform looks like the people.
  • Employment Opportunities What skills are in abundance there are no restrictions in employment.
  • Women Advocate Protect and serve.
  • Law Library Proper preparation prevents poor performance.


  • Build Lasting Relationships Getting connected and staying connected.
  • Mentor Role Model For Each Other Leadership starts with self.
  • Advocate For Each Other We create the environment we will thrive in. 
  • Make Meaningful Economic Investments Joining forces to better our conditions.
  • Engage In Worldwide Entrepreneurship United in heart and mind our solutions are possible.


When we use the words economic, social, and justice; this is what we mean.


Refers to the manufacturing, developing and managing of material goods, natural resources, commodities, services, space, land currency, agriculture, intellectual property, and patents. 


Refers to living together learning together, working together, enjoying informal or formal gatherings together, and mutual relations.


Refers to upholding the rules of law that affirm in the dignity of all human life, fair play, and individual purpose.

Request a Consultation

With Nicole Nyro

Basic Assessment & Screening Form

In order for us to help you inside prison you must be honest with us about your desire to change, and how motivated you are to participate in a culture of rehabilitation.

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+1(314)266 8317

561 Kingsland Ave #300309
St. Louis MO 63130

Friday & Saturday Only
7:30pm - 9:00pm